How do I start developing a mud-tries series type of vehicle mechanics ?

Hi everyone,
want to know how and where do i start developing vehicle mechanics like mud-tries or snow-runner series in unreal 5.3 using chaos vehicle plugin.
So i not new to chaos vehicle plugin but still I need to understand how to limit the max speed just mud-tries series

Developing vehicle mechanics with mud-tyres or snow-runner-like features in Unreal Engine 5.3 using the Chaos Vehicle Plugin involves a combination of physics settings, materials, and custom scripting. To limit the maximum speed specifically for mud-tyres, you might want to focus on adjusting the friction and handling characteristics

  • Make sure you have the Chaos Vehicle Plugin enabled in your Unreal Engine project.
  • In the Chaos Vehicle Setup, adjust the vehicle’s mass, wheel properties, and suspension settings to simulate realistic behavior on different terrains.
  • Create a custom physical material for the mud-tyres to simulate the reduced friction on muddy terrain. This material can be assigned to the tyre mesh.
  • Adjust the friction settings in the material to represent the slippery nature of mud.
  • Utilize the Chaos Vehicle Plugin’s surface type settings to define different terrains. For mud, create a specific surface type.
  • In the vehicle blueprint, you can add custom script logic to limit the maximum speed based on the surface type.
  • Use the event graph to detect the current surface type the vehicle is on, and adjust the vehicle’s maximum speed accordingly.
  • Test your vehicle on different terrains to ensure the mud-tyre behavior is as expected.
  • Adjust the friction properties, vehicle mass, and speed limiting values until you achieve the desired result.
  • Explore additional parameters in the Chaos Vehicle Plugin to fine-tune the behavior, such as wheel slip, suspension stiffness, and damping.

Remember to refer to the Unreal Engine documentation and Chaos Vehicle Plugin documentation for specific details on the available settings and functionalities.

By customizing the physical properties and scripting the behavior based on terrain types, you can create a more immersive mud-tyre experience in your Unreal Engine project

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Let me try this.

so I got the basic vehicle setup running.
so what i need is how do I setup a speed limiter to 40mphs and mud trail on the road ?

Hi, would you kindly explain or provide a link to a tutorial on how you achieved such a smooth looking suspension system? Thanks!

give me a day or two, I will post the blueprint setting here.


Sure, I’ll stay tuned. Thanks!

Sorry for the late update, I was out for my Cousin wedding.

so here is basic set up I have done do, if you something better then this please let post it here.

So this two picture are for basic throttle setting.

Here is the pictures for the setting in Vehicle Movement Component(VehicleMovementComp).


Here is the picture for front tires.

Here is the picture for back tires.

I haven’t touched Lateral Slip as of now.


Thanks for the reply and the effort of uploading the screenshots. I’m not that far from what you have, the main difference is I’m not using “Legacy Wheel Position”, and I have different values for the spring rate and preload. I got my values from the formulas discussed in this post.

My guess is the difference might be in your vehicle model/rig and the center of mass values make the vehicle wobble more realistically or something. Anyway thanks for sharing your work. :v:

Sorry I had taken few day off from developing.
Yes, that is true one of the 3d artist made the vehicle with it custom COM(center of mass) and we also tweak it in unreal I might posted the screenshot let me know if it is there.