Chaos Vehicle Load and Suspension


I am currently evaluating the Chaos Vehicles as part of a racing prototype, everything is working, however I am having issues with the suspension units and the reported wheel load (showdebug vehicle).

An equally balanced car weighing 1000 Kg, each wheel have a sprung mass of 250 Kg, a total suspension length of 0.2m (20 cm) and a rest position right in middle of suspension, would require the following settings:

Spring rate: SprungMass * Gravity / SuspensionPosition = 250 * 9.8 / .1 = 24,500 N

And the corresponding load for each wheel would be: Vehicle Mass * Gravity / 4 = 1000 * 9.8 / 4 = 2,450‬ N.

For the suspension spring rate it says Newtons per meter, but using correct values give me very bad results, and always report incorrect wheel load.

For anyone interested, here is a very comprehensive suspension document, definitely worth reading.

I sincerely appreciate any help regarding this matter.

Finally found the cause, suspension constraint! Disabling it (p.Vehicle.DisableConstraintSuspension) allows the vehicle to use real world suspension settings and most important accurate tire load.

This leads me to think there is an issue with suspension when constraint is enabled, since its results are not correct.


Hmm, that should realy fix it? It didn’t work for me.