How do I split a static mesh into multiple parts?


I’ve been trying to make a throwable grenade in my FPS project, and I wonder if there are any ways to split up a static mesh.

Right now I have a model for my grenade, which I’ve imported into UE. However, I want the safety pin to be detachable and be able to move from the grenade body. Are there any ways I could seperate the grenade body and the safety pin, or would I have to do it when making to model?

Alternatively, I’ve tried importing as skeletal mesh, but that imports evey part of the grenade as a seperate mesh, and I only want the safety pin to be a seperate part. I’ve ticked the Combine Meshes option, but that imports it only with one part of the grenade.

Following is a screenshot of my import settings.

Following is a screenshot of the result of importing with said Combined Meshes option enabled.

You need to split it up in an external program, for instance, Blender.

EDIT: See answer below. I wasn’t aware of this modelling update when I first wrote this answer :slight_smile:


You can separate a StaticMesh Asset into parts using Modeling Mode. Enable the Modeling Mode plugin, then use the “Select” Tool (in 4.26, renamed TriSel in 5.0) to select the triangles and the Separate command in that tool to turn the selected triangles into a new StaticMesh Asset.

There is a brief demo of this in a video here at around the 21min mark: UE4.26 Modeling Mode Intro - YouTube


That is greate, thank you.
Is it possible to access this via blueprint to create some kind of automatizations for deconstructing meshes into individual conected parts?

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You know by any chance if this can be done by editor scripting as well? Been looking for that but haven’t found it (yet).

Awesome! Yes, yes, yes. This works exactly as said! You rock