October 17, 2015, 2:49pm
If I have a UActorComponent child named UTalk, I can add it to an actor in code with this:
UTalk* mySpeechComponent;
UTalk= CreateDefaultSubobject<UTalk>(FName(TEXT("Dialogue")));
That having been said, if I create a blueprint of the component, let’s say BP_Talk, how do I spawn that blueprint in code? Substituting the name of the blueprint for the name of the class doesn’t work.
in my object header:
UPROPERTY(EditDefaultsOnly, Category = Projectile, meta = (AllowPrivateAccess = "true"))
TSubclassOf<class ARedCobraProjectile> BulletClass;
in my object CPP
static ConstructorHelpers::FObjectFinder<UBlueprint> Playerbullet1Blueprint(TEXT("Blueprint'/Game/blueprint/PlayerWep1.PlayerWep1'"));
//BulletClass = NULL;
if (Playerbullet1Blueprint.Succeeded())
BulletClass = (UClass*)Playerbullet1Blueprint.Object->GeneratedClass;
in my tick :
FVector sockloc = gunComponent->GetSocketLocation("gunsock");
FRotator sockrot = gunComponent->GetSocketRotation("gunsock");
FActorSpawnParameters SpawnParam;
SpawnParam.Owner = this;
SpawnParam.Instigator = Instigator;
ARedCobraProjectile *SpawnBullet = World->SpawnActor(BulletClass, sockloc, sockrot);
switch ARedCobraProjectile with whatever class your blueprint is
np, let me know if you have any issues!