How do I show log entries with Log verbosity?

When I want to log stuff with UE_LOG I use the category LogActor and verbosity Warning. If I use verbosity Log, nothing shows up.

How do I show log entries with Log verbosity?

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Edit DefaultEngine.ini in your game’s config directory and find (or add) section like one below:


(you can also use: Verbose, Log, Warning etc)


Hi, sorry for piggybagging on old question, but i asked this, trying to find a way to turn logging off for Launcher. Is that possible? Tried None, Error, and false but nothing seemed to work.

is there any options?

Thanks anyway and sorry if misplaced question.

Is there a way to set all logging to be veryverbose by default? There are a lot of categories and instead of setting them individually, I want them all to be set by default.

Looking at the source it appears there is a fake logging category called “Global”

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just in case: How to set log verbosity via command line with -LogCmds | Unreal engine Code Snippet

For any other people, who may see this topic:

Here is how you can enable verbose logs for all categories even for packaged builds:





in DefaultEngine.ini or Engine.ini (for packaged builds).

If you want to enable logs in shipping builds, you must add these lines in

  • C:/Users/Username/AppData/Local/YourGameName/Saved/Config/Windows/Engine.ini
  • /home/username/.config/Epic/YourGameName/Saved/Config/Linux/Engine.ini
  • /Users/username/Library/Containers/YourGameName/Data/Library/Application Support/Epic/YourGameName/Saved/Config/Mac/Engine.ini
    Depending on your OS. These paths are for UE5.3, for other versions of the engine or OS versions it may be different.

By the way, shipping logs are only available if you build the game from source version of the engine and have these lines in Source/

if (Configuration == UnrealTargetConfiguration.Shipping && !bIsEngineInstalled)
	BuildEnvironment = TargetBuildEnvironment.Unique;
	bUseLoggingInShipping = true;