I forgot to generate a second UV channel for the lightmaps of an imported static mesh. So I added one in 3DS Max and then I reimported the new FBX from UE4. In UE, the second UV channel with no-overlaps is recognized but when I try to bake the lighting, the log says I have overlapping UV’s on my mesh’s lightmap UV and indeed, the baked lighting looks incorrect.
However, if I import the updated mesh as another static mesh, then the baked lighting looks correct.
Did I forget to update some settings on the static mesh or is it a bug?
When you reimported it, since it was just adding the second UV channel you would then need to go into the detail panel when in the static mesh editor/viewer and change the lightmap coordinates to UV Channel 1. It’s probably still got the coordinate channel set to Channel 0 which would give you the overlapping UVs error if you had overlapping UVs.
Thanks. This worked out great. Sorry for the late reply, I hadn’t had the time to test it. I was afraid I would have to reimport as a new mesh everytime I forgot setting the 2nd UV channel, and that’s a mistake I’ll be doing a lot, coming from Unity where it would generate it for you…