How do I set a variable from a HUD Blueprint to an AI bot?

Hi, I am a new ue4 user and I am currently creating a game and was wondering if anyone understands and could explain or show how I can set an integer that works from my AI bot to a button I have in my HUD. Please remember, I am new to this so it would be better if you dumb down your answers a bit since I am a beginner. Also, pictures seem to be incredibly helpful so if you give an explanation, if you have an example I would greatly appreciate it if not, that’s alright too and any help is appreciated.

Hi, this might go a little bit back and forth until I understand what you’re trying to do:

(1) Do you want an AI bot to set an integer in the HUD, or do you want to set an integer inside an AI bot from the HUD?

(2) Any specific AI, or a random AI, or all AI of a specific class, or …?