How Do I Save In-game Replays As .mp4 Files?

What’s up, everyone.

I’m building an in-game instant replay system which automatically saves replays to disk, but how can I encode these files as mp4 files?

Ultimately, I’d like to save in a variety of file formats. Can anyone help get me started?

Thank you so much.

If you are using the Replay System you won’t be able to. Replays are data that the engine uses to re-enact the simulation.

What about UMovieSceneCapture?

I ran into a brick wall, but this looks like something:


The plugin is your best bet. But it saves as an AVI. You’ll need to dig a bit for avi to mp4 conversion.

Another solution is to include an exe of FFMPEG with your game.
You can then launch the FFMPEG.exe with specific argurments to tell it to record the game’s window with resolution, bitrate and format of your choice.
This will only work on PC thoughn but works well for in-editor stuff.