How do i repnotify character material

So I have a system where you start at a customizer area you click the button it sets that material you selected then i save that in save in my game instance

then i go to an event that sets the new default material for that player

but then this happens

you cant see the other players mat there just the original default white mat I made for it I already rep notified the material variables but I don’t know if I did it correctly


thats the exact same for the head the varable that says mat hands would be mat head

You can repnotify anything, just repnotify only a single function at a time and it works. In your case just Set Material on the Mesh, select the material index you want to change and change it to the material you pop in as the replacement. Then toggle that on the Variable You originally created, it can be a bool that is called TurnOnNewMaterial or something.
Take out all that other stuff you added and only call the part where you set the material, nothing else. You don’t need to cast it to a character, just repnotify in the character and call it somewhere else.

Here’s how I repnotify random mesh.

Hi, GameInstance does not replicate, it only exists locally. Therefore things like repnotify or multicast will not work there. As for how to do what you want, that is described in the answers below =)

Thank this i will test this now

thanks for the answere do you mind sending screenshots on what you did