How do I render my textures actual colors?

Hi everyone, this is my first post, so plz be kind =)
I’m trying to have a material with no shading at all. Maybe make a super basic lambert of it later. Anyway, i can’t seem to get it look right in the editor nor in game.
I’ve turned of as much of the default post process functions as I can, or can understand.
So, this is how it looks now:


I just want the actual colors of the texture in game.

Please, if anyone knows a way to just get a super basic render I would love the help. If I can make the basic shader I can then go form there and make whatever I want. The default Physics based shader sure looks amazing, but I wish to know how to make my own look.

Thanks. Cheers =)

You need to turn off tonemapper. Unreal engine use HDR lighting by default and this basically remaps high dynamic range to low dynamic range.(from 0 to large number to 0-1) And this cause all colors to be shifted(mostly down)

You need to turn off bloom, lighting, tone mapping, motion blur, ambient occlusion, and dynamic gain (“eye adaptation.”)
And probably something else I’m forgetting.

Jenny Gore: Thanks for the help, I tried to find where I turn of Tonemapper but I couldn’t find a specific place in the PostProcessVolume. But on the search I found that Crush HighLights and Crush Shadows should be 1 instead of 0 and now it does look closer to right =)

jwatte: Thanks =) I think those things are all off now.

This is how close I am at the moment =)

I’m gonna try something wierd. So, if this problem could be solved within a PostProcessVolume, I could just post my PostProcessVolume here right? =d

Begin Map
Begin Level
Begin Actor Class=PostProcessVolume Name=PostProcessVolume_1 Archetype=PostProcessVolume’/Script/Engine.Default__PostProcessVolume’
Begin Object Class=BrushComponent Name=“BrushComponent0” Archetype=BrushComponent’Default__PostProcessVolume:BrushComponent0’
Begin Object Class=BodySetup Name=“BodySetup_13”
End Object
End Object
Begin Object Class=CubeBuilder Name=“CubeBuilder_4”
End Object
Begin Brush Name=Model_16
End Brush
Begin Object Name=“BrushComponent0”
Begin Object Name=“BodySetup_13”
End Object
End Object
Begin Object Name=“CubeBuilder_4”
End Object
Begin Brush Name=Model_16
Begin PolyList
Begin Polygon Link=0
Origin -00100.000000,-00100.000000,-00100.000000
Normal -00001.000000,+00000.000000,+00000.000000
TextureU +00000.000000,+00001.000000,+00000.000000
TextureV +00000.000000,+00000.000000,-00001.000000
Vertex -00100.000000,-00100.000000,-00100.000000
Vertex -00100.000000,-00100.000000,+00100.000000
Vertex -00100.000000,+00100.000000,+00100.000000
Vertex -00100.000000,+00100.000000,-00100.000000
End Polygon
Begin Polygon Link=1
Origin -00100.000000,+00100.000000,-00100.000000
Normal +00000.000000,+00001.000000,+00000.000000
TextureU +00001.000000,-00000.000000,+00000.000000
TextureV +00000.000000,+00000.000000,-00001.000000
Vertex -00100.000000,+00100.000000,-00100.000000
Vertex -00100.000000,+00100.000000,+00100.000000
Vertex +00100.000000,+00100.000000,+00100.000000
Vertex +00100.000000,+00100.000000,-00100.000000
End Polygon
Begin Polygon Link=2
Origin +00100.000000,+00100.000000,-00100.000000
Normal +00001.000000,+00000.000000,+00000.000000
TextureU +00000.000000,-00001.000000,+00000.000000
TextureV +00000.000000,+00000.000000,-00001.000000
Vertex +00100.000000,+00100.000000,-00100.000000
Vertex +00100.000000,+00100.000000,+00100.000000
Vertex +00100.000000,-00100.000000,+00100.000000
Vertex +00100.000000,-00100.000000,-00100.000000
End Polygon
Begin Polygon Link=3
Origin +00100.000000,-00100.000000,-00100.000000
Normal +00000.000000,-00001.000000,+00000.000000
TextureU -00001.000000,-00000.000000,-00000.000000
TextureV +00000.000000,+00000.000000,-00001.000000
Vertex +00100.000000,-00100.000000,-00100.000000
Vertex +00100.000000,-00100.000000,+00100.000000
Vertex -00100.000000,-00100.000000,+00100.000000
Vertex -00100.000000,-00100.000000,-00100.000000
End Polygon
Begin Polygon Link=4
Origin -00100.000000,+00100.000000,+00100.000000
Normal +00000.000000,+00000.000000,+00001.000000
TextureU +00001.000000,+00000.000000,+00000.000000
TextureV +00000.000000,+00001.000000,+00000.000000
Vertex -00100.000000,+00100.000000,+00100.000000
Vertex -00100.000000,-00100.000000,+00100.000000
Vertex +00100.000000,-00100.000000,+00100.000000
Vertex +00100.000000,+00100.000000,+00100.000000
End Polygon
Begin Polygon Link=5
Origin -00100.000000,-00100.000000,-00100.000000
Normal +00000.000000,+00000.000000,-00001.000000
TextureU +00001.000000,+00000.000000,+00000.000000
TextureV +00000.000000,-00001.000000,+00000.000000
Vertex -00100.000000,-00100.000000,-00100.000000
Vertex -00100.000000,+00100.000000,-00100.000000
Vertex +00100.000000,+00100.000000,-00100.000000
Vertex +00100.000000,-00100.000000,-00100.000000
End Polygon
End PolyList
End Brush
End Actor
End Level
Begin Surface
End Surface
End Map

I don’t know if this is bad practice, but It’s pretty cool that you can do this with Unreal 4.
If you know what’s wrong in this PostProcessVolume I would love to get one with the right settings =)

And anyone else having this problem could Copy the one with right settings as well =)