How do I recompile module code from within c++ file

I have editor code that changes changes the content of a .cpp file in a module and I want to make it so that, that module gets recompiled right after the changes are made. I know where is a button you can press in the editor to recompile your c++ code. I want trigger that recompile inside the editor code.

Here is what I have…

void FFlankingPrototypeEditor::StartupModule()
    UE_LOG(LogTemp, Warning, TEXT("Running Editor GUI"));

    FLevelEditorModule& LevelEditorModule = FModuleManager::LoadModuleChecked<FLevelEditorModule>("LevelEditor");
	LevelEditorMenuExtensibilityManager = LevelEditorModule.GetMenuExtensibilityManager();
	MenuExtender = MakeShareable(new FExtender);
	MenuExtender->AddMenuBarExtension("Window", EExtensionHook::After, NULL, FMenuBarExtensionDelegate::CreateRaw(this, &FFlankingPrototypeEditor::MakePulldownMenu));

void FFlankingPrototypeEditor::MakePulldownMenu(FMenuBarBuilder &menuBuilder)
       FText::FromString("Example 2"),
       FText::FromString("Open the Example menu"),
       FUIAction(FExecuteAction::CreateLambda([] {
           UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Example menu item clicked"));

           // Edit file here
          // Triger re-compile here

What code do I have to add after “// Triger re-compile here” so that all / some c++ modules are re-compiled

Thanks in advanced