How do I recast Nav mesh?

A lot of projects start with the recast nav mesh already there in the world outliner but mine doesn’t. A tutorial I’m following requires me to edit it but I have no idea how to get it in the first place. What am I missing?

Doesn’t seem to be working. I wonder if it has to do with moving from 4.23 to 4.24


Go under Volumes and drag a Nav Mesh Bounds Volume into your world. this will also add a recast Nav Mesh into the world scene.

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Bit of a late reply, but if anyone else is running into this problem, doing Build->Navigation->Build Paths will add the Recast Nav Mesh object to the world. NB: I had a nav mesh bounds volume and a nav modifier volume in the level before doing that.


I am trying to adjust the RecastNavMesh… but when selecting the Actor in the outliner… and then looking at the Details Panel… there are no parameters I could adjust?

Thank you for this. In UE5.1 i cant find this option, but i couldn’t even get a recast nav to appear in my level, so your comment got me digging. I put just a basic nav mesh bounds in my world, went to world settings and switched navigation system config to “navigation system module config.” that worked for me to get my characters moving again (they weren’t doing anything at all) and i got back my recast nav mesh.

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