How do I properly add post processing to my character BP?

I understand post processing triggers…but I was wondering if someone could walk me through creating post processing affects inside of a BP, mainly the MyCharacterBP.
I see the make and break post processing nodes but they look like…well…I don’t understand what they look like…but it’s intimidating.
I really just need to have a couple different post processing effects in the character BP So I can cast to the player and trigger them via take damage, level up, and other random screen effects.
SO If anyone could help me understand this somehow that’d be excellent.


I would recommend checking the solus project tutorials. You can download the project and see how they worked it out.
Also I think there some in the content examples.

I don’t see anything in the content examples that has to do with post processing in blueprints. It shows how it’s done with triggers and that’s cool but I need class BP’s to trigger them.

A simple make and break post processing node did the trick…All though I have to say having to connect all of the pins is pretty aggervating. Lol

Get setting form the post process. …and set them via the make and break post process…tadaaa…lol :slight_smile:

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