How do i prevent particles from entering a water volume?

Hi there,

We have a VR scene with a river and a waterfall, the waterfall has a particle splash fx at the bottom. This all looks great but the problem is that the floating water mist particles float through the watersurface and continue their journey underwater, and this obviously does not look like it’s supposed to look. I have spent many hours trying to fix this but so far I haven’t found a solution so I need some help. I’m hoping I’m missing a simple setting somewhere, so if anyone can point me in the right direction, that would be great!


anyone? I’m stuck here

Hi Illusionweaver -

The quickest solution would be to add a kill box in your emitters which exists below you water and will kill off particles which enter it. (You could also use a Kill Height, with Floor checked true.)

A more elegant but more setup intensive would be to add a volume aligning with your water volume and in your emitters setup a Float Parameter in your Alpha Control then in a BP setup a relationship with Particle COllide with Volume to begin a fade of the Particle itself to 0. You could also go so far as to have the size of the particle also be controlled here so that the particle both increases in size and fades out to show mist dissipating.

Thank You -

Eric Ketchum

Thank you Eric, will try that out!

Hey Eric, What is “Particle COllide with Volume”?