Now I have my code running on the iPhone I need to get data to it. The data is currently in the form of .json and .csv files.
How do I package these up with the data that is UEditor driven?
Now I have my code running on the iPhone I need to get data to it. The data is currently in the form of .json and .csv files.
How do I package these up with the data that is UEditor driven?
You can add additional directories to stage via your project settings. Go to “Project Settings”, then “Packaging”, and you’ll find “Additional Non-Asset Directories to Package” and “Additional Non-Asset Directories to Copy” under the advanced section.
Which you use depends on whether your files are loaded via the Unreal File System (UFS), or whether they’re loaded via a third-party IO API (including the STL).
Worked perfectly - knew there would be a straightforward solution!
I would have found it btw if it weren’t “hidden” in the extra features section of packaging. As a nOOb to Unreal I often forget to look there. Also - the advice you give above would make a good addition to:
Anyway - thanks!