I have a few instances of the same PlayerPawn in a multiplayer environment and only want instances to be affected that are not the player instigating the action. I have no idea how to approach this! I’ve set a variable which should tell every other instance to have their inputs disables as long as the variable is true but only the player who triggered the action is receiving it’s effects. Here’s what I have so far:
One way would be to put what you want done in like you have it but in an Event Dispatch and set it up to ignore instigator or self.
This is just an idea to try as to a route I would start with.
Okay, so I tried that but it doesn’t look like you can do that in event dispatcher. It doesn’t seem to allow you to edit its blueprint (read-only).
I don’t know if event tick is the way to go on this but that’s not your issue.
I may have misunderstood the question let me see.
You should fire the customevent on keypress and you want it to call that event on all actors except the instigator.
When I get a chance I will play around with some ideas and get back to you when I find a good solution, but if you find something sooner please post it.
Will do. Thanks.