How do I network shooter game over ip?

I am currently trying to test networking for multiplayer using the shootergame base. I have been unable to connect or have others connect to the shootergame.

Do I need to package the game fully or can you still run it in standalone on both ends and connect?

We did this in the past but now I cannot seem to get this up and running.
Any help or advice appreciated thanks

You should be able to connect to shooter game without it being cooked. Are you trying to connect through the match browser? Or are you connecting directly via “open ip”?

Also make sure the ports are open on your firewall settings (usually 7777).

open IP and yes as far as I know all ports are open. Which I have checked.

I don’t think the matchbrowser will work outside of lan?

And I do not see anything in to even tell why it’s failing in the logs.

The match browser will need to be on the lan if you’re using the NULL OSS module, but technically works over the net with other OSS modules (Steam, etc).

Can you connect locally on the same LAN? Try doing that via the open command as well as using the match browser.

I will have to setup another computer to test out the LAN and see if I can run it like that.

You should be able to launch two instances (or more) on the same machine, and then “open”. The LAN browser should also work in this case.

I got it working using the console command “open MAPNAME?listen” not sure why I could not connect otherwise. thanks

Hi, I have a question for U. :slight_smile:

I use steam (AppId: 480 for dev, its ok?), I work on a game, now its time to test few thing online, the problem is I dont see my server in the server list.

My port is not locked 7777 I think since its the default Bell internet provider settings (I need to verify, but i cannot now I dont have the infos to connect).

I think my problem is related with steam since I use 480 (space war) but not sure if its the appid to use for test, so far its what I read… ShooterGame use 212960 but nothing work with this id.

Any help would be appreciated!

Thank you!