How do I move a StaticMesh up and down in C++?

So I want my static mesh to have a up and down motion,
I tried to do this with FMath::Sin function but it only went up, Here is my code →

void ATest::Tick(float DeltaTime)
FVector Location = FVector(0, 0, FMath::Sin(DeltaTime * 100));


Anyone that can tell me whats going on, that would be very helpful. Thanks

Fixed it with the code →
void ATest::Tick(float DeltaTime)
FRotator Rotation = FRotator(0, 0, DeltaTime * 5);
float SinofSec = 5 * FMath::Sin(GetWorld()->GetTimeSeconds());
FVector StaticMesh_Location = StaticMesh->GetRelativeLocation();
FVector Location = FVector(StaticMesh_Location.X, StaticMesh_Location.Y, SinofSec + StaticMesh_Location.Z);

So basically I was using DeltaTime whereas I should be using GetWorld()->GetTimeSeconds().