How do i make support for a gamepad in ue4 version 4.24

pls help. i cant make a gamepad work with my game, pls help me

What gamepad is it?

If you are testing on a Windows machine, then any wired XBox controller should work, plug and play.
If you are trying to use a Playstation 3 sixaxis controller, you have to install a special 3rd party tool onto Windows to get it to read the controller properly.
And of course gamepads designed specifically for PC should all work.

If the gamepad works with other games but not with yours, then it is likely an issue with how you have your project set up.
First thing, check your Project Settings > Input,
make sure the Input Actions and Input Axis
have mappings for gamepad inputs so those can fire the Input Action and Input Axis events your Pawn or Controller class are using.

If you are testing local multiplayer (multiple players on same machine) with multiple gamepads and just one isn’t working but the other is, check your PIE settings to see if it is set to skip Gamepad 1.