I currently i’am trying to make the shift key a button on the game pad accept i don’t know where to begin. Anyone that can help it would be greatly appreciated i also would like to know how to make two buttons execute and different button gets pressed in this fashion Shift + Face Button top = F10. Any help on these issues would be greatly appreciated like i said before thanks!
Not one person can help with this issue this is like something i must get resolved Anyone that can at least point me in the right direction i be Grateful.
So first lets understand the best way to do input
from the doc.
so the idea is that you don’t make buttons you make events that are triggered by inputs, an yo9u can have multiple inputs per event.
then with in your BPs you have the following actions take place.
Not sure the exact constrains your trying to work by.
But the doc is the indented way to do input.
But you can have multiple inputs just in the BPs (with out making the events) execute the same event path, by just putting the execution node into the start end of the latter event input.
Thanks for Replying starting to think the community was dead. But its simple i need the right Trigger on the Gamepad to Be shift and other face buttons to be the function keys and keyboard. I understand you can get multiple inputs on a event but i need one input per button changed such as Left Trigger Gamepad = F10. I have a Slot key Widget that has the hotkeys as a Skill Button just needing to make it possible to be pressed via Controller and Keyboard already on the key board i just dont know how to relate that to the Gamepad. Its huge to get this understood if you can show me a mock of changing the buttons i should be able to understand by seeing it, im visual an Artist by trade. Please anyone please show me the way my project so close to being something that can be played its crazy just need a few more things then im go …i got all the way here knowing nothing about programming whatsoever here take a look" Sneak of new stuffs - YouTube " . Just a lil bit of help all i need.
Sorry I may have misunderstood your question. You want the gamepad to work like it would with a program like xpadder. (press game pad button and return a keyboard key)
You’d have to fake it, using event binding. so input from the controller would have to executor the same path as the keyboard input. so slap some if statements (branches) for platform and control in there and you should be off. Now as there are always multiple solutions, mine may not be the best.
So like in Blade and Soul Dc Online if you hold Left trigger it performs as a Shift button, hold it then the regular buttons on the controller become Keys. So hold Left trigger that should execute as shift then press say Face Button Top it would activate f10 Say on the Keyboard, allowing you to use more buttons on the controller then normal. Basically F1 - F10 we will say can be accessed but combining left trigger(Shift) and i would change the top face button to F10 on Hold of left trigger. Its basically just changing the function of the normal buttons on the Gamepad on Hold of Left Trigger, this is What im trying to accomplish . I do this then i can make the fighting system i want for the game combine Skill Actors and Melee Fighting but use both controller and Keyboard. Keyboard already works just need to make both options is all . Like i said any one with the help on this greatly appreciated.
Hmm… this is interesting thanks for the information i may try it out if thats the only way or only option. But to directly target the Skill actor instead of the button the Skill actor is binded to. The move already works with F10 ,but instead of referencing the button make a event that references the actor directly. I thought of that but if i did but wasnt sure that if i did something like that when the button was pressed normally say would he still do a regular attack? I thought it just be easier to have the button change if another button is pressed, you this in Games like Blade and Soul Which was Made by Unreal Engine and Dc Online Which also was Made by Unreal im just Trying to recreate that effect.
This actually does what i need no prob simple and Easy Thanks alot Sarlack it works but i have one more question now how do i make a Function out of the Skill Actor in Question, its simple or should be whats the proper way to make the Skill actor into a Function to be Accessed i cannot set the actor to be true and it works as a Variable. But Your Godlike Sarlack it works exactly the way i want Just need to access the Skill actor.
Thanks for the Help So far but I have been trying to get the rest of my actual Question myself, but this is why i asked in the first place how do you finish it to make those buttons Press another button not do action.!
Where the Red Arrow would normally be a action how do i make it press a button or F10?
What exactly am i doing wrong to make the face button press for F10? What needs to change? How do i fix this im too close to get another dead end for 2 more months Any assistance would be appreciated once again.
He answered your question already. Forget concepts of “Shift” or “F10”. Bind your Inputs in Project Settings and use any key as a modifier. Just like he told you. You can then combine booleans with other inputs to get the desired result.
That answers one part of the question read the whole thing it asks how to make Face button press F10 not what ever you asking yea he answered the part on how to combine buttons and i praised him for it the cause yes that is part what im asking now if someone can tell me or at least lead me to the full answer …that would be great . Also the attitude doesnt help im new to the whole setup artist by trade like i said i do not understand as much as you obliviously. I have did the part for booleans i understand that, but need the combination of buttons to press for F10 this is the whole question if somehow it is answered up there please elaborate thats the whole purpose for the answer hub not be a smart you know what when people are trying to learn. I cannot combine booleans to make a input for another input Why im here in the first place.
Do i Have to ask a whole new question for this ? Is this even possible ? Does anyone know? Am i Asking the wrong question? The wrong People? Can somebody please tell me if Making 2 inputs into 1 input is a reality?
Well your question is strange. From what I can tell you want a controller to output an input that it doesn’t have. You would have to reconfigure this at the system level, you would need to change the entire driver of the controller to inform your OS that the output button is the one you want.
So why do you want to do this again? we have controllers to make play simpler for the masses, and you are turning that convention on its head.
So i just want the Action in to be an input nothing that complicated. Or Shouldn’t be i don’t think.
Instead of an Action how do i make F10 a function or a action to be pressed?
Just want the combination buttons to equal F10 when pressed.
You this feature in games like Dc Online or Blade And Soul Both of which made with
Well in the event system used to make inputs, you can have multiple inputs from KB/M and controller do the same event signal. This is more likely the way these game have done it.
So there isnt a way to make a function out of a input?