How do I make multi instance of AI behavior tree communicate ?

Hi Everyone! I’m currently learning UE5 and trying to get into the AI with the UE5 Behavior Tree. I’m making a prototype game that consists of an RTS/waves defender.

For now, I have a “castle” Where my Miner spawns, and I have some IronOre spawning. For now, I made a Behavior tree for the miners to tell them to find the nearest IronOre and walk to them. When they get to the Ore, they start mining it until the Ore health reaches 0 or the miner inventory is full. After that, they return to the “castle” and drop their inventory content which adds to the player inventory. Then repeat.

All is working when one miner is on the level. Everything works great. The problem occurs when I put 2 or more miners in the level. When the first IronOre got destroyed by a miner, the miner who destroyed the ore (and his inventory is not already full) find the other nearest Ore to go mining it. But the other instance of that miner is completely frozen and does nothing.

I know this comes from the Key of my decorator in my sequence that is only set for the specific actor that destroys the ore. See the image below:

The BlackBord key “IsMineralDestroy” is set in the IronOre Blueprints:

My question is: Is there a way to tell the behavior tree of every “AI” on my scene that my iron is destroyed so that if 3 miners are mining the same Ore and destroy it, they all go find the nearest ore to move to?

Thanks to everyone for helping me! And hope this makes sense to you!