Hello → New to the entire game development world and just wanted to see what it’s like and wow it’s loads of fun.
So on to the issue → I have imported a height map successfully into UE 4.15 and can run my character all around to my hearts content. I really want my landscape to use a material that I made in blender (basically just a darker slate with moss in the crevices). I’m good with the import process of textures and the material editor, however, when I apply the material to the landscape you can tell that the material is in rows and columns (kind of looks like a large checker board made of my material).
Obviously I’m not doing something right. How do I make a material in Blender and export it to UE 4.15 so that it can be used on a landscape just like the “starter content” materials are? Or how can I import an image to use for texture along with the normal map, occlusion, displacement, specularity to UE 4.15 so that it can be used seamlessly on a large landscape?
I’ve been enjoying learning how to do materials in Blender, making roads and bridges, and soon on to characters or clothing, but don’t know how to properly export this to UE
the issue is the mapping of the UVs. in a normal model you would uv unwrap the model and apply the texture so you would know the uv size before hand. this is not the case with the landscape. since you dont know the uv size you need to modify the material in engine so that it will work. in your case since you have a texture that you know fits with the landscape i would just use a texture coordinate node in the material. by modify the values in the texture coordinate node you can change how much the texture will tile.
Thank you so much! I ended up doing a landscape blend overlay of:
- texture coordinate = 1000, sample texture (custom chert)
- texture coordinate = .1, sample texture (custom chert)
attached is the layout of the material blend overlay that leads out to the base color of the material. second sample picture is the shot of my landscape from a distance. when the camera is extremely distanced from the landscape you can see some tiling effects, but when up close you can barely notice it especially after material landscape painting moss lightly over the majority of.
Again thank you so much!
theres a ue4 livestream where they used a material with macro tiling to help cover up the tiling effect as different distances. maybe it will help you out some. the material part is at about an hour in.