How do I make box collisions appear under character mesh in hierarchy

So, in the project i am working on, the box collision i create needs to appear under the character mesh in order for it to attach to the socket in the skeleton.
But, after creating the box collision in cpp it appears alongside the mesh and therefore doesnt attach to socket.
Please Help
The box collision is for the sword on the character.
Code in constructor for main character:

RightWeaponCollision = CreateDefaultSubobject<UBoxComponent>(TEXT("Right Weapon Box"));
	RightWeaponCollision->SetupAttachment(GetMesh(), FName("RightWeaponBone"));

Screenshot 2024-01-03 022609

Hello @XFreakyGodX ,

Have you tried re-creating a new BP? I used to get this kind of problem, I try create a new Fresh BP based on the C++ class fix my problem.