How do I make an OverlapMulti()'s FCollisionShape visible?

How do I make an OverlapMulti()'s FCollisionShape visible?

I do not mean detect visible channel, I mean to make the shape itself visible while testing in the editor.

This would be very useful for debugging purposes, is it possible?

I usually just manually draw the shape with one of the following:

  • DrawDebugBox
  • DrawDebugCapsule
  • etc


// Doing my collision check
const FVector extent(newWidth * 0.5f, newWidth * 0.5f, newHeight * 0.5f);

GetWorld()->OverlapAnyTestByObjectType(newLoc, FQuat::Identity, colObjQueryParams, FCollisionShape::MakeCapsule(extent), colQueryParams)

// Draw a debug shape using the collision params
DrawDebugCapsule(GetWorld(), newLoc, extent.Z, extent.X, FQuat::Identity, FLinearColor::Green, -1.0f)

static FName KickOverlap(TEXT(“KickOverlap”));
FCollisionQueryParams Params(KickOverlap, false, this);
GetWorld()->DebugDrawTraceTag = KickOverlap;

Then use overlap or something, the engine will draw shapes/lines.

Thanks I got it to draw, but how do make it not permanent?

EDIT: Nvm found it. FlushPersistentDebugLines() Thanks again. :smiley:

Ah nice - I didn’t know about FlushPersistentDebugLines().

Another option is to pass in a value for display time when calling DrawDebugCapsule(). It is the last param in the signature. I think values smaller than or equal to zero is seen as persistent.