How do I make a weapon fire a 3 round burst?

Sort of new to this programming thing and am trying to learn through the shooter game sample. I am trying to set up new firing modes but I am stuck on how to actually set up a weapon, firing a 3 round burst per trigger pull. I figured the burst fire mode would use a for loop with some sort of timer handle and or a counter but can’t figure out the proper way to get it working. Any help on pointing me in the right direction would be greatly appreciated.

a for loop wont work in this case since a loop like that works between frames so all your bullets would spawn at once. instead you could easily just use 3 spawn actors with a delay between them. so spawn projectile 1 → delay 0.1 seconds → spawn projectile 2.

thats the basics of it if you need a more in depth explanation just ask. also i dont know c++ but i can do it simply in blueprint, the logic is the same however.

Makes sense. I will give it a go. Thank you for your help.