How do I make a sprite rotate then completely stop in Niagara?

Hi, sorry this is probably a noob question, but I can’t find the answer anywhere online.

I want to rotate a sprite when it spawns, do a couple revolutions, then have it stop as if locking in place.

I’ve tried some things like adding a curve to the Particles: SpriteRotation parameter but even if I set the rotation rate to zero .1 second after it reaches full speed it has some funny behavior.

Thanks for any insight on this issue.

No a noob thing really, sprites are designed to face the camera, that’s the whole point of them. So you’ve got your work cut out, to make them do something else.

I made a system which spawns 1 sprite and rotates in in Z and then stops.


And all that just gives you:



Thank you for the detailed response! It is helpful

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