How do I make a P2P multiplayer system in UE5?

how do i make a p2p game system, in Unreal Engine 5, using blueprint and no C++?

I have checked YouTube and cant find anything.


Is there a way to make a P2P multiplayer system in UE5 end of story?\

You’ve supplied no background information, and the nature of your question suggests you are starting from “0”. What you need is bound to be in here if you don’t need it all.

Relevant (11-part series):

i am satrting from scratch, so this will show me how to make a P2P system or somthing else?

also the vid is for UE4.

watched 1;38 into the vid and it sounds like its talking about lissen and dedicated server systems.

i am looking to be able to make a game where 1 player makes a server on his pc and others can join then if the owner leavse anothre player connected becomes the new owner and no one gets kicked. no dedicated server system becouse of lack of server then later if i do i want to have a seprate gamemode where its a PVP erena so that would need to be dedicated.

is there anything spesific you need to know?

when there are changes thay will be sent to the original owner via the internet and update the saved data.

is there a way to make the game system i want?

a way to improve this idea for my game is to make it so when i ban people for cheating or something it kicks the player if they are the host player in the server so thay cant hack while being the currant host. if this isnt posible then can you tell me where i can go to make this game a reality?

is there somewhere i can go to ask this question again and get a respons?

anyone i can ask?


is there a youtuber i can ask or something? cuz i really want to get working on my project as soon as possible! but i have bean delayed by about 65 days…

First of all, there is need to understand what p2p means. Its a transport protocol which allows players to connect behind NAT or Firewall. To make it possible you need third party service like Steam or Online Subsystem EOS which has implemented p2p handshaking using their Stun & Turn servers and Randezvous servers. You also make your own p2p service (high it skills needed & investments are also required). In basic multiplayer if you are trying to go over LAN , you can find all your local players on your local network only. To go outside your Firewall, there is need for Randezvous, Stun, Turn servers & logically server API which communicate with that service and Unreal Engine. All this will allow players to communicate behind NAT over the world like on LAN. There is no need for hosted server for each game instance. So practicaly HOST is one of theese players behind NAT.

P2P means peer to peer witch basaclly is what roblox does, when a player leaves the server like the owner then the owner ship goes to a diffrent player so no one gets kicked, unlike LAN or Minecraft java LAN thing.

im sorry i didnt get back to you sooner, allot has happend this week

so with P2P, i don’t HAVE, to make a dedicated server, to let players stay on without disconnecting from the game in the middle of what ever they are doing, but it would be nice for the future, if i add a PVP system side game, THEN i can have a dedicated server for that part in particular.