How do I make a drag and drop element for models in editor plugin

I’ve been developing a plugin for unreal engine to work in the editor. I need to be able to drag a model or group of models, to allow the program to reference and later spawn those objects. I’ve had enough fun reading the documentation.
This is what i tried. Most of this code is derived from the example code given when creating a new plugin.

static FReply OnDropped(int itemTypeValue)
			USelection* SelectedActors = GEditor->GetSelectedActors();

			// Let editor know that we're about to do something that we want to undo/redo
			GEditor->BeginTransaction(LOCTEXT("SPAWN_Actor", "Create Actor"));
                    //code to spawn

			return FReply::Handled();

static TSharedRef<SWidget> MakeItemBox(UStaticMesh itemObject, int itemTypeValue)
			return SNew(SDragAndDropVerticalBox)
				.ToolTipText("Drop asset into box")
				.OnAcceptDrop_Static(&Locals::OnDropped, itemTypeValue);

+ SVerticalBox::Slot()
					+ SHorizontalBox::Slot()
						.Text(LOCTEXT("LevelsNumber", "No. Levels: "))
					+ SHorizontalBox::Slot()
						Locals::MakeItemBox(itemID = 7)


I am aware that this is incorrect. Any answers?

Hello! This may help