I’m shipping an app on mobile devices and am unhappy about the power consumption in its idle state (sitting in a menu for instance).
If I have nothing animating I would like to lower the CPU overhead DRASTICALLY. On many of my menu screens I could wait until the user presses something.
I’ve seen the setting in the project settings but this doesn’t work for me (on a side note my iOS UI animations look pretty rough at 30fps, like they are running at a lower frame rate than that), though it does demonstrate a drop in CPU usage.
Any thoughts? Perhaps just put some dynamic Sleep’s in the main and draw threads that disapear during actual gameplay / activate animation and for short durations after the user presses soemthing?
Another question : what sort of CPU usage do people see on iphone5? I’m looking at 50-100% CPU utilization for an extremely simple game, just starting to optimize now but not sure what I should be aiming at.