How do I know whether the current playing montage is loop or not?

How do I know whether the current playing montage is loop or not in c++ project?
I cannot find any function about that.

I thought there might be a neat way. anyway thanks!

Are you sure you are talking about montage and not juste animation ( or animationMontage segment )?

About segment, I would either play with meta data, either compare current composite sectionName with it’s nextSection name

Didn’t tested it but that could work :slight_smile:

bool Montage_GetNextSectionID(UAnimMontage const* const Montage,UAnimInstance* AnimInstance) const
	if (Montage && AnimInstance)
		FAnimMontageInstance* MontageInstance = GetActiveInstanceForMontage(Montage);
		if (MontageInstance)
		 float CurrentTime =MontageInstance->GetPosition();
		float CurrentPosition;
		const int32 CurrentSectionIndex = Montage->GetAnimCompositeSectionIndexFromPos(Position, CurrentPosition);
		if (Montage->IsValidSectionIndex(CurrentSectionIndex))
			FCompositeSection const & CurrentSection = Montage->GetAnimCompositeSection(SectionID);
			return CurrentSection.NextSectionName ==CurrentSection.SectionName;
return false;
