This seems a bit odd but I just had a plugin published on Fab and now I am trying to add that plugin to my projects.
When I go to the Epic Games Launcher and I refresh my Fab products my plugin doesn’t appear in the list of stuff I own. Weird.
So I go look at the “My Library” section on and in the Fab plugin inside my project and in both places I can’t find my plugin. When I search for it on the store I find it no problem but instead of saying “Download” or “Add to project” it just says “You own this item” and that is all she wrote…
This is supposed to be something I install into the engine so I should see it listed in the launcher but, I don’t… why not? What am I missing?
Do projects you create yourself simply not appear in Fab to add to your projects because they figure “They have it on their HDD, they can copy it in manually” ? or… what am I missing?