How do I increase the tessellation limit in UE 4.26.1?


How do I increase the landscapes tessellation limit in UE 4.26.1 (for Flat Tessellation, not PN Triangles)?

I found these 2 pages offering a way to do it…

…but while I did find the files detailed in the articles, they were not in \Unreal Engine\4.x\Engine\Shaders

but in \Epic Games\UE_4.26\Engine\Shaders\Private, they were .ush files instead of .usf files and moreover
their content seems to differ from what was detailed in those 2 posts .

The post says

Open: Epic

Find and change [maxtessfactor(15)] to

and CompositeTessellationFactors =
clamp( CompositeTessellationFactors,
1, 15 ); to
CompositeTessellationFactors = clamp(
CompositeTessellationFactors, 1, 50 );

But these 2 attributes are not in the FlatTessellation.ush and Tessellation.ush files

These posts are from 4 years ago. Has the method changed in 4.26 ? How can I obtain the same result?
