Its pretty simple. I need a json library and I found one to my liking: Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting. but I have not found how to add it to the project without not compiled error or something regarding header issue popping up. Also I know the project gets remade when I refresh it from the editor so no use in setting up project properties, right?
I did found some stuff with PrivateIncludePaths.Add but either I am not pointing the relative path right or… I just don’t know.
Why is this so complicated? Why isn’t there a folder for this sort of stuff, out of the box? Are you really expecting people NOT using libraries? Invested an entire day on this
If you really want to include an external module, check out these options:
In general, when including modules, take a look at like “Engine/Source/ThirdParty/libPNG/” and the “UElibPNG.Build.cs” file in there, it shows how you can include a totally external module. There are lots of other examples in the ThirdParty folder you can look at.