how do i import a korean font for use as a textrender component in blueprint?

I apologize for not being word-perfect in English

i aleady read and try


and any other solution about import custom font. (make and edit material…other asian font)

(ue4 answerhub, and other community(korea))

but it didn’t work well,
text is so dirty, not clear like this.


or i don’t know what it is (is the same string “텍스트”)

help me plz ㅜ_ㅜ
why text are not clear and break?

i try many font, basic or custom or only eng font…
but the result is similar… all font’s are broken or not clear…

this is eng text “text”… what the …text look like tombs

Hello, i’m korean. In my case, i changed ‘r’ to ‘a’ before lerp.