The framework provided is a generic templatized version that expects you to provide your own classes with implementations for a bunch of methods.
Intellisense is generally unhelpful due to the complexity of templates, so finding documentation in code or copying existing implementations is probably your best bet in this case.
Luckily there’s actually a decent documentation in GraphAStar.h
And there are a few implementations available in the engine to copy from.
I don’t know how your whole Grid system is set up, so I’m gonna try and give appropriate example based on what you’re trying to do.
I’m gonna assume AGrid is an actor that contains grid data. I made a simplified one with a SizeX and SizeY and a TMap<FIntPoint, float>
where the float is the weight of the cell.
First I define some types to simplify readability
// Simplify types
class AGrid;
typedef FGraphAStar<AGrid> FGraph;
typedef FGraphAStarDefaultNode<AGrid> FSearchNode;
typedef FIntPoint FGridNodeRef;
The AGrid actor class
class AGrid : public AActor
// Dummy grid implementation
int32 SizeX;
int32 SizeY;
TMap<FIntPoint, float> TheGrid; //map position -> weight
// helper
float CellWeight(const FIntPoint& Point) const { return TheGrid.FindRef(Point); }
// FGraphAStar: TGraph interface
typedef FGridNodeRef FNodeRef; //= FIntPoint
int32 GetNeighbourCount(FNodeRef NodeRef) const
return 8;
bool IsValidRef(FNodeRef NodeRef) const
return NodeRef.X >= 0 && NodeRef.X < SizeX && NodeRef.Y >= 0 && NodeRef.Y < SizeY;
FNodeRef GetNeighbour(const FSearchNode& NodeRef, const int32 NeighbourIndex) const
static const FIntPoint Directions[] = { FIntPoint(1, 0), FIntPoint(1, -1), FIntPoint(0, -1), FIntPoint(-1, -1), FIntPoint(-1, 0), FIntPoint(-1, 1), FIntPoint(0, 1), FIntPoint(1, 1) };
return NodeRef.NodeRef + Directions[NeighbourIndex];
This is basic grid/neighbour system, but as you can see the TGraph interface does not include weights / travel costs. That part is done in the QueryFilter interface.
You could implement the filter interface in the same class, or a different one. I used a different one for this example.
struct FGridQueryFilter
const AGrid& Grid;
FGridQueryFilter(const AGrid& Grid) : Grid(Grid) {}
// FGraphAStar: TQueryFilter interface
// used as GetHeuristicCost's multiplier
FVector::FReal GetHeuristicScale() const
return 1.0;
// estimate of cost from StartNode to EndNode from a search node
FVector::FReal GetHeuristicCost(const FSearchNode& NeighbourNode, const FSearchNode& EndNode) const
return (EndNode.NodeRef - NeighbourNode.NodeRef).Size();
// real cost of traveling from StartNode directly to EndNode from a search node
FVector::FReal GetTraversalCost(const FSearchNode& CurrentNode, const FSearchNode& NeighbourNode) const
return Grid.CellWeight(NeighbourNode.NodeRef);
// whether traversing given edge is allowed from a NodeRef
bool IsTraversalAllowed(const FGridNodeRef NodeA, const FGridNodeRef NodeB) const
// let's say negative weight means node cannot be crossed
return Grid.CellWeight(NodeA) >= 0 && Grid.CellWeight(NodeB) >= 0;
// whether to accept solutions that do not reach the goal
bool WantsPartialSolution() const
return false;
Now actual usage should be pretty straightforward :
// your data
AGrid* Grid = this;
FIntPoint StartLoc(0, 0);
FIntPoint EndLoc(5, 5);
// using the implementation
FGraph PathFinder(*Grid);
FSearchNode StartNode(StartLoc);
FSearchNode EndNode(EndLoc);
FGridQueryFilter Filter(*Grid);
TArray<AGrid::FNodeRef> OutPath;
PathFinder.FindPath(StartNode, EndNode, Filter, OutPath);
// result - note that AGrid::FNodeRef is basically FIntPoint
for (int32 i = 0; i < OutPath.Num(); i++)
UE_LOG(LogTemp, Log, TEXT("Path: %02i = %s"), i, *OutPath[i].ToString());