Noob here, so im just creating an fps sample right now, and I am trying to hit specific parts of the UE4 Mannequin (everything else except the arms) so my camera doesnt see the mesh’s torso. Also, if I were to ever make this sample local co-op or multiplayer, how could I make the other players see the entire mesh but they can only see their arms.
Sorry if this is hard to understand, I cant really explain it well. Also, I dont really care what solution I get (c++ or blueprint) I just need it to work.
And so other players can or can’t see the mesh, select your mesh in your character blueprint and under the rendering tab there are a “Owner No See” and “Only Owner See” checkboxes. You may want to have 2 different meshes, one for only you to see (where you can hide the parts you want) and another where you aren’t hiding anything for others to see.