How do i give a random texture to static meshes?

I’ve been trying to give a random texture to containers every time i place them down, but the only way i found was to use the per instance random block and the foliage tool, but using that metod the containers are not solid, and if i put down more than one container at a time they are all connected, so if i try to move one it moves all of them. Is there a way for that not to happen?

The things you’re saying don’t really make sense in the context of Unreal Engine.
Are you using the Fortnite version of the editor?

In the plain editor, you’ll typically create a material instance dynamic for each material in a mesh in the construction script, and then assign a random texture to each material instance that way.

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Sory if what i say don’t make much sence, I’m very new to Unreal Engine and i still have some dificulty with the terminology, so what i should have said is that i folowed this tutorial “Different Methods to Assign Random Textures | Unreal Engine 5” to randomize the textures, but has i said when i place containers they do not colide with the player and they are all connected, because the containers are considered to be foliage.
I also didn’t know about dynamic material instances, so thank you for pointing that out, and i will try that out this time.

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