I guess you mean the entire skydome blueprint?
Yeah, it isn’t that obvious since the blueprint is hidden inside the Engine Content.
There are two ways to locate it. Either open up the default level where you can see the sky, select SkySphereBlueprint right click and press “Browse to asset”. This will take you to the blueprint in the content browser.
Second way to find it is to press “View Options” in the bottom right corner of the Content Browser, check “Show Engine Content” and you will see a new folder to the left called “Engine Content”. Scroll down to EngineSky or search for BP_Sky_Sphere
I suggest that you make a copy of this blueprint and textures by selecting the “EngineSky” folder and drag it to your “Content” folder and then select “Copy Here”.
That way you can find it easier, and it’s also easier to modify it if you want to.
It depends on what you want to do. I assumed you wanted to use the skysphere in a new level. And you can’t just throw the texture onto the empty background, you need a mesh with a material that uses the texture, which is what the BP is.
Also there isn’t just a sky texture, there are three different textures combined with a couple of color curves that produces the final output.
So I suggest you use the BP That way you also get control of things like cloud speed, sky color, ToD based on the directional light etc
The “problem” is that the default skysphere builds up the sky using a quite advanced material and lots of calculations in the blueprint.
So if you just want to swap the texture to a prerendered panoramic texture you should create a custom material (you could copy the M_Sky_Panning_Clouds2 material and remove all the nodes in it) and add your texture inside the material.
The go into the blueprint, select the sphere mesh and assign your custom material.
You will also have to go inside the Construction Script and break the link between the entry node and the “Create Dynamic Material Instance”-node to prevent the blueprint from trying to set parameters in a material that isn’t assigned
Please let me know if that works for you, or if you want more info.
because i couldn’t het this to work I’ve tried to edit the T_sky blue texture that feeds M_sky_panning_clouds material, but when I try to export it only exports to rgb8 and not rgb16 the result is it turns the sky colour from blue to brown!
Additionally I’m not sure how to edit this so my mountains are in the correct position in the world?
The skysphere >> Sky material >> “Material Instance Dynamic” can’t be disabled either?