How do I get the range of possible values on a skinned mesh's bone space?

I am currently using USkinnedMeshComponent::TransformToBoneSpace in order to transform hits in world coordinates to bone relative space on the UE4 Mannequin. However, I would like some way of knowing what the possible range of values are for these bone spaces. Currently I get hit values but I have no idea what the maximum possible values are in these bone relative spaces. Is it possible to do this?

Here is a section of my code inside NotifyHit:

TArray<USkeletalMeshComponent*> components;

USkeletalMeshComponent* skeletalMeshComponent = components[0];

FVector hit_world_location;
FVector hit_bone_location;
FRotator hit_bone_rotation;

hit_world_location = Hit.Location;
FRotator hit_world_rotation = skeletalMeshComponent->GetSocketRotation(Hit.BoneName);

skeletalMeshComponent->TransformToBoneSpace(Hit.BoneName, hit_world_location, hit_world_rotation, hit_bone_location, hit_bone_rotation);