How do I get some poses for metahuman?

How do I get the base poses in MH5?
the docs said there was a set of poses as long as you make a custom character
I’ve seen the poses demenstrated but
there isn’t anywhere to change from an a pose to a basic idle
I thought it was supposed to be in the common folder
a pose asset or something
I am integrating them into the city sample
so are there pose assets in there that would give me a few basic things?

I just posted the exact same question in a different post: My post

I hope someone can help us answer this question, because the documentation on this is not correct. Maybe they changed something or forget to change something with the latset update.

If it helps…

I really think Epic is dropping the ball on this still
we need a basic pose and anim set and face pose set for the metahumans
we need a set of basic emotions and face phonemes
we need basic walk, run, jump, sit, crouch, point
Why do thousands of ppl have to retarget to get basic poses?
There should be a basic set all ready to go that works on all the MH5 models.


There IS!!

And you have city sample… crown… metahuman plugin with poses…

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that looks like what I’m looking for
let’s see

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They don’t seem to be in the “metahumans” sample proj
I couldn’t find them there
but they are in the city sample
you have to navigate to metahumans common common to find the pose library.


so I get it now
You have to make a pure metahuman 5.1 project
the old metahumans and city sample will prevent you from getting the pose library with bridge
I made a fresh clean vr template level
added 3rd and 1st person modes
opened bridge
and exported the same models as I did the last few times
and there was the pose library
if there are any previous versions of a metahuman in the project you won’t get the pose library.
You can of course find it in the bridge folder too and manually drop it in.
so now my metahumans can smile and cry
I feel much better.

Well this sucks
I converted the city sample to 5.1
and there is no metahumans folder in it now
I imported some mhumans with the latest bridge
there is no Pose Library folder.
as it tells me in the dox

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