Im new to this and im trying to make it so if each piece of a boat it will print a message
Sequence node
AND Boolean is the node you’re looking for.
In your graph, you need an “AND Boolean” node instead of Make Array. Add pins until all your booleans are plugged in. Then you can feed that to your branch node.
I dont know if its giving me the right boolean values or something because it still does now work
What is your current code?
they all fail to cast
Why do you think that is?
ive got no idea, im new to UE
Are the variables that you are trying to cast null/set to none?
i don’t believe so
Prove it
I said the variables that you’re trying to cast, not the variables that you’re setting.
Might adjust things like this,
but if the casting is failing, you are not referencing correctly - a game instance is usually your best friend here.
- in each bp, cast to game instance and set the bool there
- from any bp you can cast to game instance and get the bool,
-its a better workflow to stay organised
so using the “Get Game Instance” node?
A variable is not the same as the instance of an actor. Creating a variable is not enough. It just refers to an actor - think of it as of a different name for it, or its address. But where is the actual actor?!
I could be wrong but i think if they make the variable instance editable and cast to it on begin play, setting it as a variable and then using a verified get, it wouldn’t fail