Hi there,
I wrote a custom Metasound Node that includes a custom enum as a parameter. I used the TriggerComparison and other classes as a reference.
The node loads fine and works as it is supposed to, but the enum doesn’t show up as a dropdown, but just as a brown pin.
Here’s a screenshot showing the Trigger Compare node from the standard library, where the enum shows up as a dropdown, and my custom node, where it doesn’t.
The int32 to enum conversion value shows up fine, and if I promote the input to graph input, I can choose the different values from a dropdown just fine - it just doesn’t show up in this node. Any pointers on how I can get the node to display the dropdown are greatly appreciated.
I’ve attached a minimal reproducible example of the code I’m using for the custom enum here:
#pragma once
#include "CoreMinimal.h"
#include "MetasoundParamHelper.h"
#include "MetasoundEnumRegistrationMacro.h"
#define LOCTEXT_NAMESPACE "FEnumTestModule"
namespace Metasound
enum class EMyEnum
SomeEntry = 0,
DECLARE_METASOUND_ENUM(EMyEnum, EMyEnum::SomeEntry, ENUMTEST_API, FEnumMyEnum, FEnumMyEnumInfo, FEnumMyEnumReadRef, FEnumMyEnumWriteRef);
DEFINE_METASOUND_ENUM_ENTRY(EMyEnum::SomeEntry, "SomeEntryDescription", "SomeEntry", "SomeEntryDescriptionTT", "Some Entry"),
DEFINE_METASOUND_ENUM_ENTRY(EMyEnum::AnotherEntry, "AnotherEntryDescription", "AnotherEntry", "AnotherEntryDescriptionTT", "Another Entry"),
namespace EnumTestNode
METASOUND_PARAM(MyEnumPin, "Enum Value", "Set the enum value")
class FMyEnumTestOperator : public TExecutableOperator<FMyEnumTestOperator>
FMyEnumTestOperator(const FOperatorSettings& InSettings, FEnumMyEnumReadRef InMyEnum)
: MyEnumValue(InMyEnum) {}
static const FNodeClassMetadata& GetNodeInfo()
auto InitNodeInfo = []() -> FNodeClassMetadata
FNodeClassMetadata Info;
Info.ClassName = { TEXT("UE"), TEXT("Enum Test"), TEXT("Audio") };
Info.MajorVersion = 1;
Info.MinorVersion = 0;
Info.DisplayName = LOCTEXT("EnumTest_DisplayName", "Enum Test");
Info.DefaultInterface = GetVertexInterface();
return Info;
static const FNodeClassMetadata Info = InitNodeInfo();
return Info;
virtual void BindInputs(FInputVertexInterfaceData& InOutVertexData) override
using namespace EnumTestNode;
InOutVertexData.BindReadVertex(METASOUND_GET_PARAM_NAME(MyEnumPin), MyEnumValue);
static const FVertexInterface& GetVertexInterface()
using namespace EnumTestNode;
static const FVertexInterface Interface(
TInputDataVertex<FEnumMyEnum>(METASOUND_GET_PARAM_NAME_AND_METADATA(MyEnumPin), (int32)(EMyEnum::SomeEntry))
return Interface;
static TUniquePtr<IOperator> CreateOperator(const FCreateOperatorParams& InParams, FBuildErrorArray& OutErrors)
using namespace EnumTestNode;
const FDataReferenceCollection& InputCollection = InParams.InputDataReferences;
const FInputVertexInterface& InputInterface = GetVertexInterface().GetInputInterface();
FEnumMyEnumReadRef MyEnumRef = InputCollection.GetDataReadReferenceOrConstructWithVertexDefault<FEnumMyEnum>(InputInterface, METASOUND_GET_PARAM_NAME(MyEnumPin), InParams.OperatorSettings);
return MakeUnique<FMyEnumTestOperator>(InParams.OperatorSettings, MyEnumRef);
void Execute() {}
FEnumMyEnumReadRef MyEnumValue;
class FMyEnumTestNode : public FNodeFacade
FMyEnumTestNode(const FNodeInitData& InitData)
: FNodeFacade(InitData.InstanceName, InitData.InstanceID, TFacadeOperatorClass<FMyEnumTestOperator>())