How do I Flag TMap for Editor Update from CallInEditor Function?

I am in the middle of learning Unreal Engine C++. Embrace me with knowledge!

What I want:
I want to be able to click a button in the Blueprint editor of an Actor for an attached ActorComponent to auto-generate properties for that Actor Component on that blueprint of the Actor. (sounds confusing, hopefully, it will make more sense below)

The Scenario:
I set up an Unreal engine editor project for visualization following this tutorial for the most part: A new, community-hosted Unreal Engine Wiki - Announcements - Unreal Engine Forums

And the visualization works!. Shown below.
I also created a CallInEditor Function to auto-generate properties. And it seems to work for the most part. The only problem is that these changes aren’t automatically reflected in the visualization component. ( I debug stepped and confirmed it was running, but the TMap size did not match what was displayed from my blueprint editor). If I close and reopen the blueprint, the changes are reflected. If I also uncheck and check the “Editable When Inherited” property up above, the changes are reflected as well.

What I feel I know:
I’ve concluded that Unreal engine is duplicating data before it goes to the visualizer in some separate memory space. When a property is changed, this has to be reflected to the data structure in the visualizer (Which is why unchecking the “Editable When Inherited” reflected the changes, it was forcing the whole actor to reflect).
This means I believe I have to flag the TMap for updates somehow. I’ve dug into various amounts of documentation and can’t find a solution.

What I’ve tried:
-Tried using a std::vector. Did not pan out well because it seems the whole UObject Class is getting replicated by Unreal Engine. vector doesn’t get replicated.
-Digging into UProperty class Documentation. Clueless.
-Saw NotifyPropertyModified in FComponentVisualizer. No Idea how to use it or if it’s even the right type of function.



As an update. I’ve tried the “.Modify” function in UActorComponent. It triggered PostEditChangeChainProperty but did not trigger the Visualizer Update.

I also tried the “NotifyPropertyModified” in FComponentVisualizer, and tried to call it from either game or editor project side. Ran into a whole bunch of project linking issues and I couldn’t get the build configuration files working to solve these linker issues.