How do I fix transparency issues (with a partially transparent sky)?

I have an issue where I made the sky translucent, so you can see Saturn’s rings behind it. I have a hexagon tile pattern laid over some glass, with a translucent sky sphere behind it, and then finally the rings of Saturn outside the skysphere (also translucent). It seems even just the hexagon, glass, and the translucent sky causes the problem. Have I exceeded some level of layers of transparency or something? Is there a reasonable way I can make it work right (so you can see the hexagonal texture that is on the glass, like it appears on the far right?

i think sort order for transparency is based object position rather that pixel position. there are ways to get around it, but you’ll probably want to use an opaque material for the sky and figure out how to add the ring to the textures. As using transparency to cover such a huge area is unnecessarily expensive even if there weren’t sorting issues.

other than sticking everything in the skybox, you may also be able to make it look decent if you separate the clouds from the skybox. so you have and opaque skybox thats just a solid color or maybe a gradient with a few stars then inside the skybox you have the ring mesh then inside the ring mesh you have some clouds.

Try changing Translucency Sort Priority in Details/Rendering of your sky actor (since sky is your background it should work). I hope it helps!

(also read warning in tooltip)

That did work for the rings, but didn’t work for the sky sphere (it didn’t even have that option). It does appear to work if I make it completely transparent though, and just use the sun, and the fog effects from it.

It turns out part of the problem was that my “ground cloud sphere” that I added was “masked” instead of “translucent”. I also tried setting the original sky sphere to completely transparent, so I could keep the sun and the fog effects, and the problem resolved at that point. I have it working now. I believe it had to do with the sphere in front of that being masked vs. translucent though. I also added clouds to my “ground cloud sphere”. Thank you all for the help! Here is the result, and looking at it through the glass windows also works correctly now