How DO I fix this ugly reflection in my car window with Raytracing Translucency Enabled?

Having a huge issue with rendering car windows with Ray tracing in 4.23 it seems to be translucency with ray tracing one I get this horrible screen space of what’s inside the car. with it off on raster it’s just black, and with either option I get no sunlight in the car unless I delete the windows…any idea’s ??

Thanks for your help guys I guess translucency does not work with 4.23 I through they fixed but switching between Ray-tracing and Raster in the translucency option in the RTX post process settings is still causing this ugly inside reflection…I’ve tried Disabling cast shadow on all the glass pieces but no results :frowning: it must still be broken

hello there !
i think the problem is not with reflections, but with refraction. try to change your material to deactivate refractions or set it to a constant around 1.5 and it should looks good