Im not sure this is the place where I should post this, but if someone can help me I
d appreciate.
This weird glitch appeared while I was creating a 3d room. I applied some material to walls and suddenly it went weird. Look:
See that, in the far right segment of the wall it is Okay (I put it there after the glitch to show how it was supposed to look. The one in the middle is the way it looked after the glitch. And the far left one is how it ended after I tried erasing the material applied to the wall.
I tried closing the program and opening again, but it remained that way.
Why did this happen? Is there a way to fix it? Will it happen again?
Thanks for your time.
Hey RaphaelMontero -
Your UV Scale on the BSP is stretched and needs to be reset. You can adjust and reset back to UV of 1 and 1 by selecting the surface with the Material Applied to it and in the details panel set U and V to 1 and 1 and then hit apply.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Didn’t help. I haven’t messed up with UV values before the glitch and trying to put 1 and 1 got nothing
I tried changing to some random number and back again and nothing happened. (and I did click the apply button), so I don’t think this is it.
Hey -
Did you scale the BSP when you placed it in the level and if so how, was a uniformly, only on one or two axes? Or, did you use the Geometry edit mode to resize? If you can open the Geometry Edit Mode (should be the next Icon over from the Foliage tool), and zoom out to let me see the entire Box Brush.
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
There you go. I used the Geometry edit mode. Curious to notice is that it is transmissible, since it spread to the adjacent walls as the image shows.
Hey RaphaelMontero -
Thank you for the additional information. I think I have found the solution and by that I mean I was able to reproduce the look of your BSPs here and get them to return to normal. You will need to make adjustments to the Alignment drop down in the Brush’s Details Panel under Geometry. Exactly what you should choose is based on the direction your brush surface is facing and how it is rotated.
Let me know if this doesn’t fix your problem for you -
Eric Ketchum
It kinda helped. And by that I mean it works for a second. And if I deal with anything else (like doing the same thing to the adjacent wall) everything goes to hell again and now it is happening to the floors…
Notice in the picture. Some tiles goes 90 degrees and other stretch as I do as you suggested.
You will need to select brushes that have the same rotation, so a floor piece would have to be aligned separately from a wall piece.
Well, it was separated. I do not know what you mean.
Hey RaphaelMontero -
Can you zip up your project and upload it here or via a dropbox for us to test?
Thank You
Eric Ketchum
Hey RaphaelMontero -
Thank you for your project it helped me see exactly what you were experiencing. It turns out that this is a current issue with BSPs not keeping their UV Alignment after Building Geometry, UE-11368. I have added your information to the issue report and will let you know as soon as a resolution as been established.
Thank You Again -
Eric Ketchum
Thank you. You have been very patient and helpful.