How do I set up include paths properly when using VSCode with unreal engine so that error squiggles work correctly? They are set up so that I can build properly in one configuration “Unscramble1Editor Editor Win64 Development (Unscramble1)”, but VSCode seems to use a different configuration for determining which include files are not found and adding the squiggly underlines.
I found a Win32 configuration, and I set the include path there, but I still see that it can’t find
Below is my c_cpp_properties.json. I am making sure to build the “Unscramble1Editor Editor Win64 Development (Unscramble1)” configuration, and it builds successfully, but I still see errors:
I’ve tried adding a “Win32” config with the include path set correctly, and trying without the Win32 configuration. I’ve tried resetting the intellisense cache. I’ve tried asking LLMs, but no luck so far, I would be very grateful for anyone who can tell me how to solve this problem.
Thanks for the reply! (Sorry it took me so long, I was depending on a notification that I missed)
Using the latest build as of Jan 2025 - 1.96.3
It builds without errors, the only errors I get are in the intellisense, I don’t see them as errors in the console below the code. So, I get squiggly underlines in the displayed code, but if I do a build from the run or build command, it succeeds with no errors.
Basically, I shut down VSCode, deleted the following folders, and reinstalled.
I did have to re-create my VSCode project from UE since something config wise was lost.
Luckily I had everything backed up on a git branch, so I could re-create then copy my code over.
Also, my previous post said that it looked like CoreMinimal.h was a problem, but ModuleManager.h was not, but when I reversed the order of the includes, then ModuleManager showed up as a problem and CoreMinimal did not, so I think intellisense was just stopping at the first error.
Another factor was that I had both clangd and the C++ extension fighting over intellisense, I disabled clangd for this workspace.