How do I fix smoothing group error when Importing mesh?

Hey guys,

I’m trying to import my Tree-Meshes I did with Blender like in this video

But after import, UE4 tells me this Note " No smoothing group information was found in this FBX scene. Please make sure to enable the "Export Smoothing Groups" option in the FBX Exporter plug-in before exporting the file. "

I cant set up the textures for the Leaves.

Can SM tell me what i did wrong?




You’ll need to make sure that you’ve properly setup smoothing groups for your mesh to avoid this error message.

I don’t use Blender personally so I’m not entirely sure how to setup smoothing groups but this tutorial from a Google search should help.

And to set up the texture for the leaves you’ll need to make sure that you’ve imported the texture > Made a new Material with your material > make sure to use the Opacity Mask to only show the leaves portion of the texture.

Thank you!

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Hey ,

thanks for your answer … one question:

Is it really necessary to do smoothing groups?

Becaue in this video, for example, the issue dont come up!

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Ok I got it!

For all of you who directed to this post…
When you want to export your model, you can easily select smoothing to " faces " in the exporter ( in blender ) .

That fixed my problem. :slight_smile:



Just to clear up any confusion for anyone who happens to stumble across this thread with the same issue, here is the fix for Blender:

When exporting the the model from blender in the FBX format, you can select one of the follow three types of smoothing:

 1. **Edge**
 2. **Face**
 3. **Normals**

In the past, only Edge and Face worked (didn’t bring up the smoothing error in UE4), but it now seems that any of the three work just fine.


Working with blender 2.74, it works with Face enabled.

Export .FBX with Blender 2.74 to UE 4.8.2.

And the “No smoothing group information was found in this FBX scene. Please make sure to enable the “Export Smoothing Groups” option in the FBX Exporter plug-in before exporting the file” issue do not mess you up anymore :slight_smile:

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How do you enable the “Export Smoothing Groups” option? I am having trouble figuring out where it is and how to enable it.

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If you did what I sometimes do, you might have accidentally scrolled down on the export properties window to the left.

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Thanks that cleared up alot! :slight_smile:

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What if you are using a 3d modeling software without a smoothing group export? I’m an architect who wants to make a walk through of the building I design in sketchup. When I import all the surfaces are hard? Can I adjust what is smooth or not in unreal?

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I have this same problem but I cant find those options I think its because I have an updated ver 2.76 of blender any idea where it may be now?

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Just to clarify this answer, Choose Geometries then you’ll be able to see the different Smoothing Groups(Edge, Face, Normals) By default Normals is selected, so choose Face or Edge

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For anyone else looking for where it is, check under the Geometrie tab for blender v2.78


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What’s the difference between smoothing groups Face or Edge ?

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Anyone still encountering this problem with UE5 and blender 3.4,
here is the screenshot of where to change the FBX import option when exporting from blender:

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just like it.

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I had same issue, big thanks to GameDesignHero for answer.

I still get the error