So unfortunetly my character blueprint has become “corrupted” The charactermesh component shows no details in the detail panel and it’s using the mesh from the parent.
I was working on the project earlier where everything was fine and than closed the project. Than went on later and it was corrupted before I even did anything. The project starts up but when I press play it crashes.
I’ve already checked my autosaves and 2 of them was also corrupted even though they where from before this happened. I have another one but it’s 3 months old.
I am sorry to inform you that a corrupted blueprint cannot be “Saved”, so you have to revert to an earlier version of the file. This is what backups and Version Control are for.
Sorry I couldn’t be of help but you will need to delete that blueprint and start from scratch on it or use the old one if you don’t have any others to revert to.
I hope that that knowledge helps you form a path forward.
This is usually a reference loss problem caused by the deletion of the parent class, you can try to open the blueprint in Notepad and then modify the parent class pointing information directly.
Did you change the name of the parent class in C++?
If so you can “redirect” as shown here
Or in this video
If you are reading a null pointer (an exception) in the blueprint constructor (pure Blueprint → no C++) then you will never be able to open it again… you will have to delete the file.
It’s a good idea to use bluprint for everything you can’t do in C++, otherwise it’s better to use C++…
Among other advantages, when something like this happens you will never lose 100% of your work.