Developing a small little project for a uni assignment. Really enjoying watching everything come together however in the process of bring everything together I’ve noticed that when moving the character, there appears to be breaks in the background. Not sure how to fix it nor how to word it correctly so I have included a demo video. (Don’t mind the character animation I know it’s shoddy.)
Hey @bingles191! Welcome to the Forums!
Looks like you are getting some seam issues with your tileset. If that is the case, to fix this issue, you need to:
- Right click your tileset(s) and
- Pick “Condition Tile Sheet Texture”.
This should in theory fix the seams that are appearing.
I hope the above solution works for you.
Thank you for your response, I had found that solution previously (should have mentioned in my initial post), yet it still appears to do nothing for the flickering. Any other ideas?
Hey @bingles191,
If that is not it we may need to do dig a bit deeper. Do you have motion blur enabled? Or do you have any post processing enabled? If so, try disabling one or both of those.
Additionally, when you open your tile texture’s settings, are the axis tiling settings to wrap or clamp? If they are set to wrap, which is the default, try setting those to clamp.
Let me know if the above works!